existing facilities

property management


renovations / new construction



 AB1103 compliance

-  Develop an Energy Star Portfolio Manager profile for the building and update it as needed to create an Energy Statement of Performance and associated documentation pursuant to California Assembly Bill 1103.

- AB1103 requires an Energy Statement of Performance for nearly all sales or leases of commercial buildings more than 50,000 square feet.

utility sub-billing

- Manage sub-billing of multiple tenants.

- Generate energy models where sub-metering is not installed to more accurately estimate individual tenant utility use.

- Identify measures for tenants to lower utility costs and improve facility value.

- Review all monthly utility bills for accuracy and generate bills for tenants.




 project consulting

- Support the design and construction team in all energy related factors.

- Review plans and identify products and equipment for maximum utility rebates and lower long term building operating costs.

- Process all associated utility rebates and incentives on behalf of client.

- Facilitate inclusion in the Savings by Design program.  The SBD program provides incentives of up to $150,000 for the owner and up to $50,000 for the design team for improved efficiencies with major renovations. 

- Develop an Energy Star Portfolio Manager profile for the building and update it as needed to create an Energy Statement of Performance and associated documentation pursuant to California Assembly Bill 1103.

- Evaluate existing spaces that may not be currently slated for renovation and recommend energy improvements to improve performance and reduce overall building operating costs.

- Review all utility bills for billing errors and appropriate rate structure.

- Answer any questions related to energy savings or building operating costs related to utilities. 




Comprehensive Energy Audit

- Provide preliminary assessment of 12 months of utility bills.

- Perform comprehensive site audit during business hours to identify major energy users.  Audit includes installing data loggers to track energy use.

- Identify additional energy waste with a night audit performed outside of normal business hours.

- Generate a detailed report showing how energy is used in the building, identifying Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) and calculating projected savings from those measures.

- Calculate detailed cost estimates for ECMs along with return on investment for each.  Identify potential utility rebates for ECMs.

- Support client's staff in implementing measures by providing technical support and processing applicable rebates.

- Install Energy Savings Digital Display to highlight the savings and positive effects on the environment. 

- Six-month checkup to ensure savings are being realized. 

support services

- Provide energy savings walk through to identify low and no cost savings.

- Advise in-house staff on energy reducing alternatives to common items replaced as part of regular building maintenance.

- Identify any available utility rebates for regularly ordered replacement parts such as lighting ballasts, motors, or photocells.

- Train in-house staff on reducing waste.

- Generate building energy models to estimate energy savings from improvements under consideration.